Cuaderno de historieta de 36 paginas en blanco y negro mas portadas en color.
Serie publicada por el Centro de estudios vascos de la Universidad de Nevada que narra las aventuras de los primeros balleneros vascos en América, mezclando hechos históricos reales con otros fantásticos inspirados en las leyendas y la mitología vasca.
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This installment of the Joanes trilogy finds the captain and crew of the intrepid flying whaleboat venturing even farther afield in search of the legendary whales. Their search brings them to the shores of the New World in this second volume of the Joanes trilogy.
Following on with the idea of Joanes as an anti-hero, his fame and fortune grows along with his notoriety as a blasphemous and impious drunk. This defect will ultimately become his demise, something quite real, human and flawed, characteristically lacking in most heroes.